Level Designer/Artist Junior
Ultia modpack is a project for Lethal Company made in Unity, with Canigou Studio and for HortyUnderscore. The modpack contain one new planet, new items, new mobs, and some more visal tweaks. Project for Canigou Studio.
Mantif is a custom moon and a custom dungeon for Lethal Company made in Unity. Contain one new planet, 11 new room for a total of 20 tiles and new items. Personnal project.
Unannounced project at Ubisoft Paris. More info soon.
Paraxial is a third person survival horror game made in Unreal Engine 5. Inspired by "The Backroom" and liminal space aesthetic, this story-driven game will follow Alexis, a newly recruited employee of the Euclide foundation, that will find himself trapped in a parallel dimension and will have to find a way out. Third year graduation project at Bellecour École.
Get out: The house is a Half-life: Alyx map made in Source 2. Inspired by Resident Evil 2 remake, it take place in a small mansion near City 17's suburb and players will have to find a way to get through this house. Personal project.
Deathjob is a puzzle-platformer game taking place in a Giscardpunk universe made in Unreal Engine 5. Developed in 5 weeks, players will have to resolve puzzles by using their previous failures and deaths. Second year project at Bellecour École.
Annecy is a 5v5 capture the flag map made for Unreal Tournament 4, taking place the eponymous city. First year project at Bellecour École.
CP3D is a remake of Disney's MMO Club Penguin, made in Unity. The game had +45 000 registered players, weekly updates and monthly events. Team project.
Into Weathley Test Chamber is a Portal 2 map made with Source. Personal project.
Not the good Test Subject 1 is a Portal 2 map made with Source. Personal project.
Not the good Test Subject 2 is a Portal 2 map made with Source. Personal project.
Simple Old Test is a Portal 2 map made with Source. Personal project.
Within Mansion is a 2.5D puzzle-platformer game made in Unity. Global Game Jam.
Juicy platformer game realised in two days in Unity. Video Game Lab.
Dating simulator game made in Unity. Scientific game jam.
Funky arcade mobile game inspired by Wario Ware made in Unity. Second year project at Bellecour École.
Mail: theopatrick.murgier@gmail.com Bluesky: @wydrop.fr Discord: @Wydrop